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Mri/ Ct Scan




Blood Test


Full Body

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See All is an aggregator of medical diagnostic services. You can check medical diagnostic test prices for more than 2000 tests in 400+ cities of India. We also list diagnostic centers in India with their price, discount, address & contact numbers.

What tests can you book from Bookmerilab?

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Health Packages

Affordable preventive health checkup packages or full body checkups are available starting at Rs 799 only with free home sample collection.

Blood Test

More than 1000 blood tests are available. We have the most exhaustive test menu in the Indian market. You can check and compare prices and get upto 40% discount on the blood tests.

Urine Test

Urine diagnostic tests like urine routine, Urine culture etc. are available.

MRI Scan

Presently, We are providing MRI scans in 7 cities of India. MRI scan of 1.5 Tesla, 3 Tesla, Open MRI & Standing MRI are available. MRI Scan cost starts at Rs 2500.


Ultrasound or sonography is available in 7 cities at more than 75 ultrasound and diagnostic centers. Ultrasound cost starts at Rs 599 only. Ultrasound fibroscan is also available in Delhi.

CT Scan

Multi-slice CT scan with low radiation is available in 7 cities. CT Scan with 3D Reconstruction, Contrast, High resolution, dual energy and triple phase are provided with the latest technology. CT Scan cost starts at Rs 1199 only.

PET Scan

PET CT Scan is also available in 9 cities. This is helpful in diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of Cancer. The cost of PET CT Scan starts at Rs 11999 only.


X-rays are one of the most popular and old medical imaging techniques. X-Ray tests are available at a starting cost of Rs 199 only.

What information can you get from Bookmerilab?

Diagnostic Centers & Labs Nearby

We have enlisted more than 1000 diagnostic centers and pathology labs on our website. You can easily find a diagnostic center nearby with their address, facilities, test price list and contact number.

Health Checkup Packages

Preventive health packages or full body checkup packages are available for as low as Rs 799 with free home sample collection. Important health packages available are full body health checkup, diabetes packages, arthritis checkup, women health checkup, infertility check, post covid checkups and many others.

Medical Test Information

You can visit bookmerilab/tests for information about medical tests. This is provided by medical professionals in an easy to understand manner with explanatory diagrams.

Service Availability

Free Home Collection

Free home collection is available in more than 300 cities for blood and urine tests.

300 Plus Cities

We provide radiology services in 7 cities (Delhi, Gurgaon, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai and Visakhapatnam) and blood and urine test services in 300+ cities of India.

Online Report

Reports are available online via email or a user can also login to view the reports on the website.

75+ partner labs

We provide services in association with our partner labs. Diagnostic centers are empaneled after rigorous quality & certification checks. Some of our partner labs are Redcliffe Labs, Dr Lal pathlabs, Thyrocare Technologies Ltd, Healthcare, Mahajan Imaging, Janta X-Ray, City X-Ray, Pulse Hi-Tech and Aarthi Scans and Labs.

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